Base Operations

Armored/Non-armored Vehicles

Armored vehicles provide enhanced protection and firepower, while non-armored vehicles offer flexibility and speed on the battlefield.

Vehicle Maintenance Parts

When it comes to servicing vehicle maintenance parts, attention to detail and timely replacements are crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

Tent Structures

Tent structures offer portable and versatile shelter solutions, providing comfort and protection in various outdoor environments.

Complete Camp Solutions

Engineered to facilitate rapid set-up and strike deployments

Turnkey Base Camps from Alaska Defense™ (Alaska) are designed with today’s mobile military in mind.

Medium Shelter System

State-of-the-art multipurpose shelter system.

A state-of-the-art multipurpose shelter system (MSS) designed specifically for today’s expeditionary or mid-to-long-term operations in harsh and remote locations.